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Neck and back pain can definitely interfere with everyday life. It can get in the way of performing simple tasks like lifting and bending, and even cause pain while sitting. By incorporating healthy habits to support your neck and back, you can decrease your chances...

What You Can Do to Manage Osteoarthritis Pain at Home Many people who are approaching their fifties or even forties may come to experience osteoarthritis (OA). This is a common and unpleasant joint ailment that occurs when cartilage in the joint breaks down and wears away....

Pro athletes train hard to be at the top of their sport. Because most pro athletes put their bodies through intense workout sessions every day, they are almost always dealing with some kind of injury that threatens their livelihood. However, with the power and technology...

Cartilage degeneration is a common disease or condition known as osteoarthritis. As the term indicates, it occurs when the cartilage between the joints degenerates, or breaks down with the passing of time. The cartilage is vital to the joint as it acts as a cushion...

If you or someone you know suffers from back pain, neck pain, sciatica caused by a bulging or herniated disc, degenerative disc disease, or facet joint syndrome, it is likely you’ve heard of “non-surgical spinal decompression.” Spinal decompression is a treatment method used to stimulate...

Have you been recommended to undergo surgery? Have you neglected a painful joint condition? Or perhaps you feel too old to even start a treatment that might actually help you? With stem cell therapy, although there are a few reasons that would exempt a candidate...

It’s not uncommon for people to have stiff joints and daily joint pain. If you're battling stiff joints that result in knee pain, elbow pain, or some other problematic issue, now is the time to address and resolve the problem. Continue on to learn more...

Many adults in America will suffer from neck pain at some point in their life. The pain usually goes away with rest or treatment, but for some people, the pain can continue and interfere with daily activities and reduce the individual’s quality of life. The causes...

Stem cell therapy is an amazing feat of modern medicine. It also has no shortage of controversy surrounding it. The truth is that many of the concerns and objections about stem cell therapy are due to common myths and misconceptions about the treatment. We hope...

Unfortunately, the importance of proper posture is often undermined or downplayed. Believe it or not, but years of maintaining good posture has the ability to save you from years of back ache and pain. We learn our postural habits at a very young age, so...