Our Services

At Progressive Rehabilitation Medicine, we thoroughly assess your condition, needs, and expectations and rule out any serious medical illnesses before developing an effective treatment plan.

Physician Nutrition StorePhysician Nutrition Store

Compliment Your Care With Targeted Amino Acid Nutrition. Patented Messenger Amino Acid Technology (mAA) targets neurotransmitters. Experience a natural & safe alternative to supplements & pharmaceuticals. FDA-regulated and backed by multiple published clinical studies. More >

DRX9000 Decompression

DRX9000 Decompression

DRX9000 Decompression is a non-surgical, drug-free procedure for bulging and herniated discs,… More >

Autologous Hemacyte Tissue GraftsAutologous Hemacyte Tissue Grafts

Autologous Hemacyte Tissue Grafts offer a conservative holistic approach to accelerating repair of injured tissues in chronic musculoskeletal pain syndromes includin… More >

Mesenchymal Stem Cell TherapyMesenchymal Stem Cell Therapy

Progressive Rehabilition Medicine is an Iowa provider of Mesenchymal stem cell (MSC) therapy. We utilize a new medical technology that enables us to extract the stem… More >

Trigger Point Dry NeedlingTrigger Point Dry Needling

Trigger points are hyperirritable contraction knots found in tight bands of muscles resulting in what we call myofascial pain syndromes. These points are usually ass… More >

SpineForce Back and Spine Conditioning

SpineForce Back and Spine Conditioning

SpineForce is a revolutionary treatment for the lower back and spine that gently rejuvenates mobility and function. More >

Electrodiagnostic MedicineElectrodiagnostic Medicine

Electrodiagnostic medicine is the medical subspecialty that applies neurophysiologic testing techniques to diagnose, evaluate and treat patients with neurologic, neu… More >

BOTOX Medical InjectionsBOTOX Medical Injections

The FDA has approved BOTOX® neurotoxin to decrease the severity of abnormal head position and neck pain associated with cervical dystonia (CD; also known as spas… More >

Musculoskeletal UltrasoundMusculoskeletal Ultrasound

Musculoskeletal ultrasound offers an excellent complimentary imaging technique to traditional methods such as Magnetic Resonance Imaging (MRI) or Computed Tomography… More >

Deep Tissue Laser TherapyDeep Tissue Laser Therapy

Our practice is among the first in the area to invest in the LCT-1000™: Deep Tissue Therapy Laser™ from LiteCure®. Drug free, pain relief is the goa… More >

Whole Body Vibration TherapyWhole Body Vibration Therapy

Power Plate Training is a scientifically supported exercise and rehabilitation method that involves the performance of strength, flexibility, massage & circulatory… More >

Fluoroscopic ImagingFluoroscopic Imaging

At Progressive Rehabilitation Medicine, we understand that the patient’s safety is paramount to achieving the best outcomes. We use a “C-arm”, which is a mobile fluoroscopic unit that allows us to see detailed images of your body. More >

Hyperbaric Oxygen Therapy

Hyperbaric Oxygen Therapy

Hyperbaric Oxygen Therapy has the extraordinary ability to improve your quality of life when standard medicine is simply not enough or as a supplement to traditional medicine. HBOT could be your answer to recovery… More >

IV Nutrient TherapyIV Nutrient Therapy

IV Nutrient Therapy is a powerful boost of vitamins, minerals, and antioxidants delivered directly into the bloodstream, which provides an immediate and lasting boost of energy and well-being…. More >

Wave Therapy

Wave Therapy

Stimulate your body’s healing processes with non-invasive medical technology. The Miracle Wave® is an FDA-registered treatment that has been recognized as an effective solution for helping to treat musculoskeletal pain. More >