
Have you ever seen a celebrity posing for a photo while hooked to an IV? They are probably getting their regular IV nutrient therapy. You may be wondering: Why is IV drip therapy so popular these days? Should you try it yourself? It is clinically proven  Also...

Electrodiagnostic medicine or EDX is a specific area of medical practice which is performed by specially trained physicians in neurophysiologic testing. EDX helps doctors accurately diagnose, evaluate, and create personalized treatment plans according to the patients' conditions and needs. Electrodiagnostic medicine is known for treating...

Do you wake up every day and find yourself rolling out of bed, instead of sitting up like you used to? Are you plagued with aching joints and a back that seems to hurt every single day? Do you wish that you could feel like...

If you suffer from pain, then it might seem as though every day is the same. You wake up in pain, go about your life in pain, and just keep on going. Then one day something else happens: you have a new type of pain. For...

Regenerative medicine is an exciting field that is gaining momentum in recent years, and here at Progressive Rehabilitation Medicine, we’re proud to be a part of it. We see it as a fundamental shift in the way patients are treated, and we work with people...

The Corridor Business Journal, one of the only business publications in the Cedar Rapids/Iowa City area, has recognized Progressive Rehabilitation Medicine’s contribution to the community as a rising clinic in the area. Since being founded less than two decades ago, we’ve quickly gained a reputation...

A torn rotator cuff is no fun at all. It’s a common cause of pain and injury for millions of patients. When your rotator cuff tears, you’ll find that you have a lot of trouble doing what seems like simple tasks, such as raising your...

You may have heard of regenerative medicine helping patients regain their quality of life from injuries, but did you know that it’s also being used for aesthetic treatments? You may be surprised to learn that regenerative medicine is offering patients a new way to improve...

Anyone who has sprained an ankle knows that even though years have passed since that injury, the ankle is still weak and prone to further damage. Tendons are finicky, especially once they’ve been pulled or torn, and it takes a lot to convince them to...

If you have a degenerative condition like osteoarthritis or even an issue with the tissue in arms, legs, or back, then you’ve probably been led to believe that surgery is your only option. This couldn’t be further from the truth. You might benefit from a...