
Regenerative medicine is a life-changing revelation in the world of healthcare. With its potential to heal millions of patients due to a ground-breaking combination of non-surgical approaches and minimal recovery time, stem cell therapy is getting much-needed recognition. Learn More! It is no doubt that regenerative medicine...

It’s not uncommon for people to feel overwhelmed after a long day, but some believe that it’s unavoidable and can’t be relieved without seeing a doctor all the time. This is not the case! If you are feeling stressed out, it’s important to remember that...

The whole team at Progressive Rehabilitation Medicine is proud to announce that our very own Dr Kim has been honored by the American Association of Stem Cells Physicians! He has been invited to be a keynote speaker at this year’s AASCP summit in August, to...

If you’ve been keeping up with the world of sports you may know about hyperbaric oxygen therapy and the athletes who use it to recover from injury and strain. As a non-invasive treatment option, it is ideal for athletes who can’t afford any downtime and...

Have you suffered a head injury or a concussion and had extensive care, been on multiple medications or been told nothing more could be done? Do you suffer from headaches, difficulty concentrating, irritability, chronic fatigue, or trouble sleeping? Or is the feeling of being on...

Dr. Kim, of Progressive Rehabilitation Medicine, is a proud member of the Cedar Rapids community.  So much, that you can see staff supporting the Rough Riders hockey team. Recently the staff was there to cheer on the team as well as take pictures with Santa! It was...

At Progressive Rehabilitation Medicine, we don't only suggest our services because it's what we offer, we suggest them because we use them ourselves, and have seen the whys and hows, of its effectiveness. Our ARNP, Emily, is an avid athlete. She uses Hyperbaric Oxygen Therapy (HBOT)...

Decompression therapy is being more well known these days. It offers many benefits for a lot of different conditions, mainly in terms of relieving discogenic pain. What are the primary benefits to using Decompression? non-surgical drug-free alleviates radiating leg pain, including sciatica helps with numbness in...

Concussions are among the most dangerous injuries suffered by football players, mainly due to the fact that it can lead to more traumatic brain injuries. Other sports injuries may include, injuries to the neck and spinal column can lead to chronic conditions. Pinched nerves tend to...