
Have you been recommended to undergo surgery? Have you neglected a painful joint condition? Or perhaps you feel too old to even start a treatment that might actually help you? With stem cell therapy, although there are a few reasons that would exempt a candidate...

It’s not uncommon for people to have stiff joints and daily joint pain. If you're battling stiff joints that result in knee pain, elbow pain, or some other problematic issue, now is the time to address and resolve the problem. Continue on to learn more...

Many adults in America will suffer from neck pain at some point in their life. The pain usually goes away with rest or treatment, but for some people, the pain can continue and interfere with daily activities and reduce the individual’s quality of life. The causes...

Stem cell therapy is an amazing feat of modern medicine. It also has no shortage of controversy surrounding it. The truth is that many of the concerns and objections about stem cell therapy are due to common myths and misconceptions about the treatment. We hope...

Unfortunately, the importance of proper posture is often undermined or downplayed. Believe it or not, but years of maintaining good posture has the ability to save you from years of back ache and pain. We learn our postural habits at a very young age, so...

Back pain is the number one complaint heard at the doctor’s office. There are a variety of potential causes for back pain. For most sufferers, it can be difficult to understand why your back hurts and what can be done to make it better. Fortunately,...

When individuals overuse their elbows while playing sports or in everyday activities, it can lead to having intense joint pain. Our pain management experts can give you a proper diagnosis on your condition and recommend a suitable treatment or program. An overuse condition that we see...

Nerve pain has the potential to dramatically reduce your quality of life – leading to depression, sleep disorders, or limited mobility or functionality. Unfortunately, nerve pain is a fairly common condition amongst Americans. Nerves are present throughout our entire body and they assist us in...

It is not uncommon to go to the doctor’s office and be diagnosed with a case of chronic knee pain. Following back pain, knee pain is the number two cause of chronic pain in America. From this fact alone, you can assume that there are...

Knee pain is one of the most common issues that plagues people who come through the doors of our pain rehabilitation clinic in Cedar Rapids, Iowa. However, there are many steps that a person can take to prevent some of the more common problems that...