Mesenchymal Stem Cell Therapy

Progressive Rehabilitation Medicine is an Iowa provider of regenerative medicine. We offer a multitude of therapies, one of which is stem cell therapy.

Mesenchymal stem cell (MSC) therapy is where stem cells are injected into an injured area. Stem cells are living cells that can transform themselves into many different types of tissue, and are therefore able to differentiate into ligaments, tendons, bone, nerve, and cartilage. Hence why these cells are thought to be useful in regenerating the body naturally.

Mesenchymal Stem Cell Therapy

When an injury occurs, it is the stem cells that are released and summoned by the body to rebuild damaged muscle, joints, or cartilage. By injecting these stem cells directly into the damaged area, the idea is that it accelerates the body’s natural healing process.

Until recently, treatment options for osteoarthritis or joint pain were limited. Steroid injections, joint replacement surgery, and physical therapy were the only treatment options. Stem cell injections are now available, and not only can they alleviate pain, but may offer an option for regenerating some tissues and/or joints. The best option for anyone would be to come in for a consultation to see a) if stem cell therapy may be a viable option  b) to assess the level of pain or injury to see what is the best course of action.   

We also provide specialized stem cell rehab to build strength and recondition the weakened joint to address all the factors that contribute to the injury and lack of proper function.

Iowa MSC Stem Cell Treatment

We are happy to discuss Mesenchymal Stem Cell (MSC) Therapy or any other option that may work for you. Please call our office in Cedar Rapids Iowa at (319) 393-1320 to schedule a consultation.

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Live cells currently could be used only in an autologous fashion (the patient is the donor as well as the recipient), and while there is enormous promise in live cell therapies, and thousands of ongoing experimental applications trying to establish efficacy, these are not at the point where they would meet the scientific standard.

The FDA has stated:
live cells, like other medical products that are intended to treat, cure or prevent disease, generally require FDA approval before they can be marketed. FDA has not approved any live cell-based products for use, other than cord blood-derived hematopoietic progenitor cells (blood forming live cells) for certain indications.

This site is not for purpose of diagnosis and treatment. The cases discussed in this website are not typical. If you are considering live cell treatment in the U.S., ask your physician if the necessary FDA approval has been obtained or if you will be part of an FDA-regulated clinical study. This also applies if the live cells are your own.

If you are considering having live cell treatment in another country, learn all you can about regulations covering the products in that country. Exercise caution before undergoing treatment with a live cell-based product in a country that—unlike the U.S.—may not require clinical studies designed to demonstrate that the product is safe and effective. FDA does not regulate live cell treatments used solely in countries other than the United States and typically has little information about foreign establishments or their live cell products.

Live cell therapies have enormous promise, but the science in each use is still in the developmental stage. Professional judgment and expertise is needed in using live cells for any therapeutic use, and we urge anyone embarking on the use of live cell therapies to consult the national health data bases to evaluate current information from clinical trials and the FDA websites on human tissue should also be consulted to get its current evaluation of any therapy.