08 Mar Fed Up and Tired of Joint Pain!
It’s not uncommon for people to have stiff joints and daily joint pain. If you’re battling stiff joints that result in knee pain, elbow pain, or some other problematic issue, now is the time to address and resolve the problem. Continue on to learn more about joint pain and what you can do to start feeling better now.
Causes and Symptoms
There are a number of reasons for painful joints. One is injury to the joint. For instance, an inflammation or injury to a region like the bursae (small fluid-filled sacs that help with lubrication and joint movement) can cause pain. The resulting pain can limit joint movement and cause stiffness. Joint pain is sometimes referred to as arthralgia.
Another common problem that can cause joint pain is disease of the joint. Arthritis is a common example, which is a term to describe any disease that affects the joints, such as osteoarthritis, rheumatoid arthritis, lupus, or gout.
Some common symptoms of joint pain include:
• swelling
• redness
• tenderness
• warmth
• tingling
• numbness
Relieve Joint Pain at Home
While joint stiffness can be painful and inconvenient, it’s important to know that there are a wide range of solutions to the problem. Some of which include:
Using Hot and Cold Therapy
Hot therapy is great for relaxing and lubricating the joints. Warm baths and showers (especially when taken in the morning) can decrease stiffness in the joints. Warming up joints before physical activity can also ease a muscle spasm. Another method you might implement is cold treatments. These treatments could involve the use of a bag of frozen vegetables or gel ice pack to reduced inflammation and swelling. Always wrap the gel pack or frozen vegetables in a cloth before applying to the skin.
Shed Extra Pounds
Believe it or not, an extra few pounds can add to joint pain. Excess weight puts added pressure on the joints – especially the ankles, hips, and knees. Losing those few pounds can help reduce this extra pressure, and ultimately decrease joint pain.
Some other at-home remedies include:
• mild exercise
• meditation and relaxation techniques
• massages
• herbal supplements
Should You Visit a Doctor?
If you experience infrequent or mild joint pain, you may not need to see a doctor. However, for those who experience joint symptoms for more than 3 days should consult with a physician. Experiencing several episodes within a month is also a clear indication that you need to receive a proper diagnosis from a trained medical professional.
Don’t Wait – End the Pain Today!
Whether you’re experiencing knee pain, shoulder pain, or some other form of discomfort, it’s time to do something about it. You can use the strategies outlined above to begin reducing pain now. However, if the pain persists, visit our clinic now to get the professional care you need and deserve. Contact one of our friendly representatives at (319) 774-8143 to schedule a consultation.
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